We made it through the holidays and believe it or not it is almost spring. The decorations have been down, the Super Bowl is over and there you sit looking at your home and office wondering what to do next. Take a close look at the art, or lack of it on your walls. Maybe you have been meaning to change a mat color to compliment your decor you updated in the last couple of years. An easy fix for a framer! Maybe you never noticed that a print you had framed years ago has slipped and needs taken apart and corrected. Usually you will see some fading of mats if the proper glass wasn't used. These are all simple and inexpensive ways to bring your art alive again. As for the blank walls, we have many books with thousand of prints, or you may have a collection in the closet you have been wanting to display in a custom frame. Photographs of a special time that need to be perserved will be a great tribute to a loved one. This is a perfect time of year to get these projects done before you are wondering where summer went!